Saturday, September 21, 2013

Setting Up DHCP and TFTP in Linux Ubuntu 11.04 running on VMs

We created  our test hosts using VMware running on a Windows 7 machine.

Below are the steps that allowed us to set up DHCP, TFTP on a VM host and boot other hosts in the same network using PXE.

Set up network adaptors in VMWare instance.

Set up a bridging machine with 2 network adaptors

Set up a future DHCP/PXE server machine with host-only network

Install OS - (in our case Linux Ubuntu 11.04)

   from distribution ubuntu-11.04-alternate-i386.iso on both machines

   You can pick it up at
   When Prompted set up IPs as follows
    -         Bridging machine (hobr)        
    -         DHCP/TFTP/PXE server (hoonly)   

Login to the Bridging Machine
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

Login to the DHCP/PXE server machine
sudo route add defaut gw eth0
sudo route delete default gw

NOTE – deleting the old gateway is needed for the correct routing.

sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf

Modify or enter nameserver as follows (for my case – my router’s IP):

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

Now we need to install some convenience software.

1. update apt-get information
$ sudo apt-get update

2. install open-ssh
$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client

Now you should be able to connect using PUTTY

Install and Configure DHCP Server

Install dhcp
$ sudo  apt-get install dhcp3-server

Configure DHCP
$ sudo vi  /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf

allow booting;
allow bootp;

subnet netmask {
  option broadcast-address;
  option routers;
  option domain-name-servers;
  filename "pxelinux.0";

Start DHCP
$ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

Reboot the host ------- was needed !!!  in my case.  Otherwise server is running but does not allocate IPs.

Running server shows
$  ps auxwww | grep dhcpd

dhcpd     1043  0.0  0.1   4492  1944 ?        Ss   15:47   0:00 /usr/sbin/dhcpd -q -pf /var/run/dhcp-server/ -cf /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf

Now any new node on 192.168.124.* subnet (host-only) will be assigned an IP starting from You can create a VM with host-only interface connected to 192.168.124.*  subnet and power it up. The message will look like below.

Install and Configure TFTP server

Create a directory where files will reside.
$ sudo mkdir /tftpboot
$ sudo chmod 777 /tftpboot
$ sudo chown nobody:nogroup /tftpboot

The TFTP server WILL NOT START otherwise

Install TFTP server
$ sudo apt-get install tftp-hpa tftpd-hpa

Configure TFTP server
$ sudo vi /etc/default/tftpd-hpa

Set up the file contents as follows
# /etc/default/tftpd-hpa
OPTIONS="-l -c -s /tftpboot/"

The server is EXTREMELY picky, it does not start with other settings and does not give any error messages. Make sure that TFTP directory (/tftpboot in our case)  exists.

Start TFTP server
$ sudo service tftpd-hpa start
tftpd-hpa start/running, process 2273

To verify that the server is listening do the following
$ sudo netstat -aunp | grep ":69 "
udp        0      0    *                           2246/in.tftpd

Setup OS to Install Through PXE (try Debian)

Create directory
$ mkdir -p /tftpboot/debian/etch/i386
$ chmod 777 -R /tftpboot/debian

Get the files with OS image, etc to be installed.
$ cd /tftpboot

$ wget

$ cd /tftpboot/debian/etch/i386

Configure boot for the system
$ mkdir -p /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg
$ chmod 777 /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg
$ sudo vi /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default

The contents of the default file should be as follows
LABEL linux
kernel debian/etch/i386/linux
append vga=normal initrd=debian/etch/i386/initrd.gz –

Power up your host-only VM that connects to 192.168.124.*
You will see the OS install screens.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Host-Only Network External Connectivity

There are cases when we need to allow machines in a host-only network (created in VMware, for example) to connect to the Internet.

It can be achieved by creating a bridging machine that has 2 interfaces. One in the host-only network, the other one in the network we need to connect to.
The following is a sample set up (using VMware)for a case when our host-only network uses 192.168.124.* subnet.
1. Set up network adapters as follows
NameTypeExternal ConnectionHost ConnectionDHCPSubnet Address

2. Set up a bridging machine with 2 adapters - Bridged and Custom(VMnet1)

3. Set up machines in the host-only network with 1 adapter in the host-only network

4. Install OS - Linux Ubuntu 11.04 in our tests (from distribution ubuntu-11.04-alternate-i386.iso You can pick it up at
When prompted by OS installer, set up the first IP for the Bridging machine as - for example. We assume that the IP in the external network will be provided by a DHCP server.

5. Login to the Bridging Machine

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

6. Login to host-only machines.

sudo route add defaut gw eth0
sudo route delete default gw
NOTE – deleting the gateway created by default is needed for the correct routing.
sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf
Modify or enter nameserver as follows (in my case – my router’s IP): nameserver

7. Restart network

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart 
Your host only machines should see the external network.